We all hope it will never happen but sooner or later some of us may be faced with a collapse in our pet and how those first vital few minutes are managed can make all the difference to survival just as it does in Humans.
I have many a time had to use these techniques during my animal rescue work and there is nothing more rewarding than breathing fresh life where there was none.
Do you know what to do to try and save your cat or Dog ?
"Artificial breathing is an emergency procedure used to exchange air in the unconscious cat. Heart massage is used when no heartbeat can be heard or felt. When heart massage is combined with artificial breathing, it is called cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). As cessation of breathing is soon followed by heart stoppage and vice versa, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is most often required in the life threatening situation. The following emergencies may require artificial breathing or CPR: Shock Head Injury Poisoning Electric Shock Prolonged Seizure Obstructed Airways (choking) Coma Sudden Death
IS THE CAT BREATHING? Observe rise and fall of the chest. Feel for air against your cheek.
If YES, pull out tongue, clear airway. Observe.
If NO, feel for pulse.
DOES THE CAT HAVE A PULSE? Feel for the femoral artery located in the groin.
If YES, employ Artificial breathing.
If NO, employ CPR
1. Lay the cat on a flat surface with its right side down.
2. Open the mouth and clear secretions. Check for a foreign body. If found, remove. If impossible to reach, execute the Heimlich manuever.
3. Pull the tongue forward and close the mouth. Place your mouth over the cat's nose. Blow gently into the cat's nostrils. The chest will expand. Release to let the air come back out. Excess air will escape through the cat's lips, preventing overinflation of the lungs and overdistension of the stomach.
4. If the chest does not rise and fall, blow more forcefully; or if necessary, lightly seal the lips with your hand.
5. The breathing rate is one every four to five seconds (12 to 15 per minute).
6. Continue until the cat breathes on its own, or as long as the heart beats.
1. Continue with mouth-to-nose breathing.
2. Prepare for heart massage. Place the fingers and thumb on either side of the sternum, behind the elbows.
3. Compress the chest firmly six times; administer a breath. Then repeat. Massage rate is 80 to 120 compressions per minute.
4. If possible, do not stop heart massage while administering a breath.
5. Pause every two minutes for 10 to 15 seconds to check for pulse and spontaneous breathing.
6. Continue until the heart beats and the cat breathes on its own, or until no heartbeat is felt for 30 minutes."
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