Sunday, 9 December 2012

Feral Colony doing well now getting fed regularly!

Sunday 9th December, 6 tins of meat a box of dried and three cartons of cat milk, we fattening them up ready to survive -15 degrees cold spell.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Cats Protection Daily struggle.

This year has been the worst we have known and shows no sign of improving, pregnant cats thrown out and ferals who's kittens are now getting into difficulty, end of year kittens tend to have more problems as mum usually already had couple of litters and in these cases no home or proper nutrition she has nothing left to give as her body is riddled with parasites and devoid of vitamins for the kittens;-( Latest litter there is no sign of mum its thought she may be victim of fox/dog attack as one of kittens now at vets undergoing ex ray for broken leg/pelvis. All this suffering is easily prevented but there are so many cats which are seen as having little worth or value easily replaced, cat over population is at an all time high!


22/11/2012 kitten with broken leg now recovering from operation to fix it gone into foster home from vets today and looking good.

here are her litter mates


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Feral Shelter in place for Ind Estate ferals

 Specially made by supporter Geoff this is the feral palace!
we have three like this on site, this is rear view entrance opposite side.
 Neutered, getting fed and now shelters all thanks to our supporters for helping us achieve this. 
Must say a huge thanks to the guys who work on site for their help too!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Released four back to site today

Released four back to site today of course gutsy brindle who belongs next door came begging me for food
 one already done watches me, Dianne was there too but soon as she saw it was me she off, its funny how she stares till she is sure bits me then woosh.
 black white queen was quick to off  she darted next door to where trapped

 calico with black an white face soon got her bearings

 calico with ginger face, her neck still dried blood from testing but hopefully now back home she will groom it off.
 calico with ginger face waited to get her bearings
 dont think he wanted to go he sat a while

Cats Protection Daily struggle.

This year has been the worst we have known and shows no sign of improving, pregnant cats thrown out and ferals who's kittens are now getting into difficulty, end of year kittens tend to have more problems as mum usually already had couple of litters and in these cases no home or proper nutrition she has nothing left to give as her body is riddled with parasites and devoid of vitamins for the kittens;-( Latest litter there is no sign of mum its thought she may be victim of fox/dog attack as one of kittens now at vets undergoing ex ray for broken leg/pelvis. All this suffering is easily prevented but there are so many cats which are seen as having little worth or value easily replaced, cat over population is at an all time high!

Friday, 16 November 2012

A huge Thank you

A huge Thank you to Dianne at for these fabulous Christmas treats for the cats, they will be dished out to our fosterers in time for Christmas some very lucky kittys!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Many Thanks to Jane and Son Mathew

A pile up of goodies!

brand new feral shelter an straw to fill it thanks to Jane some warm ferals this winter!
thanks for scratch posts and feed mats Mathew

Christmas dinner for some of kittys

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Cats Protection Feral Trap Neuter Return

 back home
 brief look around then off
 back home
 see you feed time
 bye bye ginge
 a look as if to say what the hell happened this week
 i'm off!
 greedy brindle tortie who already done keeps coming into trap for food
 a full tin of sardines later an she still scoffing
 colony ladies enjoying sunshine

 this is one we want but she wont go in
 two we dont want to trap as they already neutered are queing up to get in trap lol